Computer and Communication Engineering (CCE)
The Mission of the department is to produce, through the pursuit of education, properly trained up and ethically sound manpower in the field of Computer and Communication Engineering to contribute to the socio-economic development and moral upliftment of the society and to cultivate in our student’s an ability to think independently beyond their areas of study, so that they can sustain justice in all walks of life.
Mission Statements:
- Properly Trained up Manpower.
- Contribute to Socio-economic Development.
- Ethically Sound.
- Ability to Think Independently.
- Sustain Justice in all Walks of Life.
To produce globally competitive and socially sensitized Engineering graduates and to establish the department as a center of excellence by bringing out the professional competence in the core areas of Computer and Communication Engineering also becoming one of the best departments in the South East Asia.
The Program Educational Objectives for Computer and Communication are as follows:
- Graduates will successfully engage in careers in Computer and Communication Engineering related fields appropriate to their background, interest and skills.
- Exploit the habit of team work using leadership qualities to achieve social and economic objectives of related projects in the professional field.
- Exhibit ethical attributes in personal and professional conducts.
- Involve in lifelong self-learning, career enhancement and adapt to changing multidisciplinary professional and social needs.
Program Outcomes
Graduates of Computer and Communication Engineering by the time of graduation will demonstrate:
- Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering appropriate to Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering.
- Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate and analyze engineering problems.
- Design/development of Solutions: Design system components or processes that meet the desired specifications.
- Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Investigate a problem by conducting experiments, analyze, interpret and synthesize the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern Tool Usage: Select and apply appropriate modern engineering tools, techniques and resources necessary for engineering practice.
- The Engineer and Society: Understand and apply reasoning knowledge to provide engineering solution for social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer.
- Environment and Sustainability: Demonstrate the knowledge of engineering for providing environmental solutions and sustainable development.
Admission Requirements
- Total GPA 6.50 in SSC/Dakhil & HSC/Alim but scoring not less than GPA 3.00 in any individual examination. Pass grade in Physics & Mathematics in HSC/Alim is a must; OR
- Minimum 5 (five) subjects in O level and 2 (two) major subjects in A level with minimum ‘B’ grade in 4 subjects and ‘C’ grade in 3 subjects. Physics & Mathematics in A level is a must.
A student shall have to pay Tk. 5,42,516/- for completing Computer and Communication Engineering degree as per the following break up:
SL | Description | Amount |
1 | Admission Fees (Once & non-refundable) | Tk. 30,000/- |
2 | Semester Fees (Tk. 12000 × 8) | Tk. 96,000/- |
3 | Tuition Fees: DC: 2,000 x 152 = 3,04,000/- URC: 1,100 x 9 = 9,900/- |
Tk. 3,13,900/- |
4 | Exam Fees (Tk. 100 × 161 CH ) | Tk. 16,100/- |
5 | Establishment Fees (Tk. 4,000 × 8) | Tk. 32,000/- |
6 | Development Fees (Tk. 5,000 × 1 + Tk. 3,000 × 7) | Tk. 26,000/- |
7 | LAB Fee (Tk. 3,000 × 8) | Tk. 24,000/- |
8 | Library Development Fee | Tk. 2,000/- |
9 | Orientation Fee | Tk. 3,000/- |
10 | Rover Scout Fee | Tk. 25/- |
Total Fees and Charges: Tk. 5,43,075/- |
Semester-wise Payable Fess:
* First Installment (During Admission): Tk. 96,225/-
* Second to onward Installment (During Semester Registration):
SL | Description | Amount |
1 | Semester Fees | Tk. 12,000/- |
2 | Tuition Fees: 2,000 x No. of CH of DC Courses 1,100 x No. of CH of URC Courses |
Tk. *****/- |
3 | Exam Fees (Tk. 100 × No. of CH of total registered Courses) | Tk. *****/- |
4 | Establishment Fees | Tk. 4,000/- |
5 | Development Fees | Tk. 3,000/- |
6 | LAB Fees | Tk. 3,000/- |
Semester-wise Total Fees and Charges: To be counted |
- Ethics: Understand ethical principles, commit to professional ethics and responsibilities in engineering practice.
- Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse or multidisciplinary teams.
- Communication: Communicate effectively in both verbal and written form at ease.
- Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate understanding of project management and financial principles.
- Life-long Learning: To realize the need for lifelong learning and adapt themselves to technological changes.
Admission Test
Application for admission to B. Sc in Computer & Communication Engineering shall be invited through an announcement in the National/Local Dailies and IIUC website twice a year. The deserving candidates have to apply through IIUC website or web link Students are admitted through a competitive written test. Usually questions paper are designed as semi broad & MCQ Type. Marks allocation of admission test are:
Physics | Chemistry | Math | General English | General Knowledge (Analytical Aptitude) | Viva | SSC & HSC GPA | Total |
25 | 15 | 30 | 15 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 120 |
Admission Period
Students are admitted into “B. Sc in Computer & Communication Engineering” program twice a year as follows:
Semester | Period | Application Period | Admission Test |
Spring | January – June | September - October | November - December |
Autumn | July – December | March - April | May - June |
B. Sc in Computer & Communication Engineering is a four year (eight semesters) program.
Grading System
The Grading System for assessing the performance of the students shall be as follows:
Marks (%) | Letter Grade | Grade Point | Remarks |
80-100 | A + | 4.00 | Excellent |
75–79 | A | 3.75 | Very Good |
70–74 | A- | 3.50 | |
65–69 | B+ | 3.25 | Good |
60–64 | B | 3.00 | |
55–59 | B- | 2.75 | Satisfactory |
50–54 | C+ | 2.50 | |
45–49 | C | 2.25 | Pass |
40–44 | D | 2.00 | |
00–39 | F | 0.00 | Fail |
Calculation of GPA and CGPA
GPA: Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the number of credit hours attempted in a particular semester.
CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the total number of credit hours attempted at the diploma courses up to that point of time.
Achieving minimum GPA in each semester
A student shall have to obtain minimum GPA 2.00 in each semester.
Achieving minimum GPA in for awarding degree
A student shall have to obtain minimum CGPA 2.50 for awarding degree.
Summary of Courses
Types of Courses |
No. of Courses |
Credit Hours |
University Requirement Courses |
09 |
13 |
Interdisciplinary Courses |
04 |
08 |
Core Courses (Compulsory) |
64 (Theory 37 & Sessional 27) |
131 |
Core Courses (Elective) |
06 (Theory 3 & Sessional 3) |
09 |
Total |
83 |
161 |
List of University Requirement Courses
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1 |
UREM-1101 |
Text of Ethics and Morality |
1 |
2 |
UREL-1106 |
Advanced English |
2 |
3 |
URED-1201 |
Basic Principles of Islam (‘Aqidah+ Ibadah’) |
2 |
4 |
URED-2302 |
Science of Qur’an and Hadith |
1 |
URED-2305 |
Comparative Religion (for Non-Muslim Students) Substitute to URED-1202 and URED-2302 |
3 |
5 |
URBL-2401 |
Function of Bengali Language |
2 |
6 |
URED-3503 |
Political Thoughts and Social Behavior |
1 |
7 |
URED-3604 |
Life and Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) |
1 |
8 |
URIH-4701 |
A Survey of Islamic History and Culture |
1 |
9 |
URBS-4802 |
Bangladesh Studies and History of the Independence |
2 |
Total |
9 Courses |
13 |
List of Interdisciplinary Courses
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1 |
ACC-3501 |
Financial and Managerial Accounting |
2 |
2 |
ECON-3601 |
Principles of Economics |
2 |
3 |
MGT-3601 |
Industrial Management |
2 |
4 |
LAW- 4721 |
Professional Ethics and Environmental Protection Law |
2 |
Total |
4 Courses |
8 |
Core Courses
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-1103 |
Basic Electrical Engineering |
3 |
2. |
CCE-1104 |
Basic Electrical Engineering Sessional |
1.5 |
3. |
MATH-1101 |
Differential and Integral Calculus |
3 |
4. |
PHY-1101 |
Physics I (Mechanics, Waves, Optics, Heat and thermodynamics) |
3 |
5. |
CCE-1102 |
Engineering Drawing Sessional |
1 |
6. |
CCE-1201 |
Introduction to Computer & Computer Programming |
3 |
7. |
CCE-1202 |
Introduction to Computer & Computer Programming Sessional |
1.5 |
8. |
CCE-1203 |
Basic Electronics |
3 |
CCE-1103 |
9. |
CCE-1204 |
Basic Electronics Sessional |
1 |
CCE-1104 |
10. |
MATH-1201 |
Differential Equations |
3 |
MATH-1101 |
11. |
PHY-1201 |
Physics II (Electromagnetism, Properties of Matter & Modern Physics) |
3 |
PHY-1101 |
12. |
PHY-1202 |
Physics II Sessional |
1.5 |
PHY-1101 |
13. |
CCE-2301 |
Data Structures & Algorithms |
3 |
CCE-1201 |
14. |
CCE-2302 |
Data Structures & Algorithms Sessional |
1 |
CCE-1202 |
15. |
CCE-2303 |
Micro Electronics |
3 |
CCE-1203 |
16. |
CCE-2304 |
Micro Electronics Sessional |
1 |
CCE-1204 |
17. |
CCE-2305 |
Signals and Linear Systems |
3 |
18. |
CHEM-2301 |
Chemistry |
3 |
19. |
CHEM-2302 |
Chemistry Sessional |
1 |
20. |
CCE-2307 |
Discrete Mathematics |
2 |
- |
21. |
CCE-2411 |
Digital Logic Design |
3 |
22. |
CCE-2412 |
Digital Logic Design Sessional |
1.5 |
23. |
MATH -2301 |
Linear Algebra, Matrices and Vector Analysis |
3 |
MATH-1201 |
24. |
STAT-2401 |
Statistics |
2 |
25. |
CCE-2401 |
Numerical Methods |
2 |
26. |
CCE-2405 |
Object Oriented Programming |
2 |
27. |
CCE-2406 |
Object Oriented Programming Sessional |
1 |
28. |
CCE-2407 |
Basic Communication Engineering |
3 |
CCE-1203 |
29. |
CCE-2408 |
Basic Communication Engineering Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-1204 |
30. |
CCE-2409 |
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves |
2 |
31. |
MATH -3501 |
Co-Ordinate Geometry and Complex Variable) |
3 |
MATH-2301 |
32. |
CCE-3501 |
Microprocessor & Assembly Language |
2 |
CCE-2403 |
33. |
CCE-3502 |
Microprocessor & Assembly Language Sessional |
1 |
CCE-2404 |
34. |
CCE-3503 |
Information Theory & Error Correction Coding |
3 |
35. |
CCE-3505 |
Database System |
2 |
CCE-2301 |
36. |
CCE-3506 |
Database System Sessional |
1 |
CCE-2302 |
37. |
CCE-3507 |
System Analysis, Design and Development |
2 |
38. |
CCE-3508 |
System Analysis, Design and Development Sessional |
1 |
39. |
CCE-3509 |
Computer Architecture |
2 |
- |
40. |
CCE-3601 |
Digital Signal Processing |
2 |
CCE-2305 |
41. |
CCE-3602 |
Digital Signal Processing Sessional |
1 |
CCE-2306 |
42. |
CCE-3607 |
Cellular Mobile Communication |
3 |
CCE-2407 |
43. |
CCE-3608 |
Cellular Mobile Communication Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-2408 |
44. |
CCE-3609 |
Software Engineering |
2 |
CCE-3505 |
45. |
CCE-3611 |
Digital Communication Engineering |
3 |
CCE-2407 |
46. |
CCE-3612 |
Digital Communication Engineering Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-2408 |
47. |
CCE-4701 |
Data Communication and Computer Networking |
3 |
CCE-2405 & CCE-3601 |
48. |
CCE-4702 |
Data Communication and Computer Networking Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-2406 & CCE-3602 |
49. |
CCE-4705 |
Operating System |
2 |
50. |
CCE-4706 |
Operating System Sessional |
1 |
51. |
CCE-4707 |
Microwave Engineering |
3 |
52. |
CCE-4708 |
Microwave Engineering Sessional |
1 |
- |
53. |
CCE-4711 |
Satellite Communication |
3 |
54. |
CCE-4715 |
Research Methodology |
1 |
55. |
CCE-4834 |
Industrial Training/Tour |
1 |
56. |
CCE-4800 |
Project / Thesis |
4 |
- |
57. |
CCE-4801 |
Fiber Optic Communication |
3 |
CCE-1203 |
58. |
CCE-4802 |
Fiber Optic Communication Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-1204 |
59. |
CCE-4803 |
Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
CCE-2407 |
60. |
CCE-4804 |
Artificial Intelligence Sessional |
1 |
CCE-2408 |
61. |
CCE-4805 |
Compiler Design |
2 |
62. |
CCE-4806 |
Compiler Design Sessional |
1 |
63. |
CCE-4808 |
Software Development Sessional |
1.5 |
64. |
CCE-4832 |
General Viva |
1 |
Total |
Core Courses 64 |
131 |
Elective Courses:
Option-I (Any one course along with respective Sessional to be taken)
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-4721 |
Computer Interfacing |
2 |
CCE-2305 |
2. |
CCE-4722 |
Computer Interfacing Sessional |
1 |
CCE-2306 |
3. |
CCE-4717 |
Digital Image Processing |
2 |
4. |
CCE-4718 |
Digital Image Processing Sessional |
1 |
5. |
CCE-4719 |
Java Programming |
2 |
CCE-3507 |
6. |
CCE-4720 |
Java Programming Sessional |
1 |
CCE-3508 |
7. |
CCE-4723 |
Network Programming |
2 |
8. |
CCE-4724 |
Network Programming Sessional |
1 |
9. |
CCE-4725 |
Embedded System Design |
2 |
10. |
CCE-4726 |
Embedded System Design Sessional |
1 |
Option-II (Any two courses along with respective Sessional to be taken)
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-4811 |
Fault Tolerant Systems |
2 |
2. |
CCE-4812 |
Fault Tolerant Systems Sessional |
1 |
3. |
CCE-4813 |
Simulation & Modeling |
2 |
4. |
CCE-4814 |
Simulation & Modeling Sessional |
1 |
5. |
CCE-4815 |
Remote Sensing Technology |
2 |
6. |
CCE-4816 |
Remote Sensing Technology Sessional |
1 |
7. |
CCE-4817 |
Stochastic Process |
2 |
STAT-2301 |
8. |
CCE-4818 |
Stochastic Process Sessional |
1 |
9. |
CCE-4819 |
VLSI System Design and Modeling |
2 |
10. |
CCE-4820 |
VLSI System Design and Modeling Sessional |
1 |
11. |
CCE-4821 |
Broadband Communication Networks |
2 |
CCE-4722 |
12. |
CCE-4822 |
Broadband Communication Networks Sessional |
1 |
13. |
CCE-4823 |
Robotics & Computer Vision |
2 |
14. |
CCE-4824 |
Robotics & Computer VisionSessional |
1 |
15. |
CCE-4825 |
Cryptography and Network Security |
2 |
16. |
CCE-4826 |
Cryptography and Network Security Sessional |
1 |
17. |
CCE-4827 |
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic |
2 |
18. |
CCE-4828 |
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Sessional |
1 |
19. |
CCE-4851 |
Opto-electronics |
2 |
20. |
CCE-4852 |
Opto-electronics Sessional |
1 |
Semester wise Course Offerings:
First Semester
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-1103 |
Basic Electrical Engineering |
3 |
2. |
CCE-1104 |
Basic Electrical Engineering Sessional |
1.5 |
3. |
MATH-1101 |
Differential and Integral Calculus |
3 |
4. |
PHY-1101 |
Physics I (Mechanics, Waves, Optics, Heat and thermodynamics) |
3 |
5. |
UREL-1106 |
Advanced English |
2 |
6. |
UREM-1101 |
Text of Ethics and Morality |
1 |
7. |
CCE-1102 |
Engineering Drawing Sessional |
1 |
Total credit hour for 1st Semester |
14.50 |
Second Semester
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-1201 |
Introduction to Computer & Computer Programming |
3 |
2. |
CCE-1202 |
Introduction to Computer & Computer Programming Sessional |
1.5 |
3. |
CCE-1203 |
Basic Electronics |
3 |
CCE-1103 |
4. |
CCE-1204 |
Basic Electronics Sessional |
1 |
CCE-1104 |
5. |
MATH-1201 |
Differential Equations |
3 |
MATH-1101 |
6. |
PHY-1201 |
Physics II (Electromagnetism, Properties of Matter & Modern Physics) |
3 |
PHY-1101 |
7. |
PHY-1202 |
Physics II Sessional |
1.5 |
PHY-1101 |
8. |
URED-1201 |
Basic Principles of Islam (‘Aqeedah+ ‘Ibadah) |
2 |
Total credit hour for 2nd Semester |
18 |
Third Semester
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CHEM-2301 |
Chemistry |
3 |
2. |
CHEM-2302 |
Chemistry Sessional |
1 |
3. |
CCE-2303 |
Micro Electronics |
3 |
CCE-1203 |
4. |
CCE-2304 |
Micro Electronics Sessional |
1 |
CCE-1204 |
5. |
CCE-2305 |
Signals and Linear Systems |
3 |
6. |
CCE-2307 |
Discrete Mathematics |
2 |
7. |
CCE-2301 |
Data Structure and Algorithm |
3 |
CCE-1201 |
8. |
CCE-2302 |
Data Structure and Algorithm Sessional |
1 |
CCE-1202 |
9. |
URED-2302 |
Science of Qur’an and Hadith |
1 |
10. |
URED-2305 |
Comparative Religion (forNon-Muslim Students), Substitute to URED-1202 and URED-2302 |
3 |
11. |
MATH -2301 |
Mathematics-III (Linear Algebra, Matrices and Vector Analysis) |
3 |
Math-1201 |
Total credit hour for 3rd Semester |
21 |
Fourth Semester
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-2401 |
Numerical Methods |
2 |
2. |
CCE-2411 |
Digital Logic Design |
3 |
3. |
CCE-2412 |
Digital Logic Design Sessional |
1.5 |
4. |
CCE-2405 |
Object Oriented Programming |
2 |
CCE-1201 |
5. |
CCE-2406 |
Object Oriented Programming Sessional |
1 |
CCE-1202 |
6. |
CCE-2407 |
Basic Communication Engineering |
3 |
CCE-1203 |
7. |
CCE-2408 |
Basic Communication Engineering Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-1204 |
8. |
CCE-2409 |
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves |
2 |
9. |
URBL-2401 |
Functional Bengali Language |
2 |
10. |
STAT-2401 |
Statistics |
2 |
Total credit hour for 4th Semester |
20 |
Fifth Semester
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-3501 |
Microprocessor & Assembly Language |
2 |
CCE-2403 |
2. |
CCE-3502 |
Microprocessor & Assembly Language Sessional |
1 |
CCE-2404 |
3. |
CCE-3503 |
Information Theory & Error Correction Coding |
3 |
CCE-2403 |
4. |
CCE-3505 |
Database System |
2 |
CCE-2301 |
5. |
CCE-3506 |
Database System Sessional |
1 |
CCE-2302 |
6. |
CCE-3507 |
System Analysis, Design and Development |
2 |
7. |
CCE-3508 |
System Analysis, Design and Development Sessional |
1 |
8. |
CCE-3509 |
Computer Architecture |
2 |
9. |
ACC-3501 |
Financial and Managerial Accounting |
2 |
10. |
MATH-3501 |
Mathematics-IV (Co-Ordinate Geometry and Complex Variable) |
3 |
MATH-2301 |
11. |
URED-3503 |
Political Thoughts and Social Behavior |
1 |
Total credit hour for 5th Semester |
20 |
Sixth Semester
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-3601 |
Digital Signal Processing |
2 |
CCE-2305 |
2. |
CCE-3602 |
Digital Signal Processing Sessional |
1 |
CCE-2306 |
3. |
CCE-3607 |
Cellular Mobile Communication |
3 |
CCE-2407 |
4. |
CCE-3608 |
Cellular Mobile Communication Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-2408 |
5. |
CCE-3611 |
Digital Communication Engineering |
3 |
CCE-2407 |
6. |
CCE-3612 |
Digital Communication Engineering Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-2408 |
7. |
CCE-3609 |
Software Engineering |
2 |
CCE-3505 |
8. |
MGT-3601 |
Industrial Management |
2 |
9. |
ECON-3601 |
Principles of Economics |
2 |
10. |
URED-3604 |
Life and Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) |
1 |
Total credit hour for 6th Semester |
19 |
Seventh Semester
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-4701 |
Data Communication and Computer Networking |
3 |
CCE-2405 & CCE-3601 |
2. |
CCE-4702 |
Data Communication and Computer Networking Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-2406 & CCE-3602 |
3. |
CCE-4705 |
Operating System |
2 |
4. |
CCE-4706 |
Operating System Sessional |
1 |
5. |
CCE-4707 |
Microwave Engineering |
3 |
6. |
CCE-4708 |
Microwave Engineering Sessional |
1 |
- |
7. |
CCE-47XX |
Elective Course (Option-1) |
2 |
8. |
CCE-47XX |
Elective Course Sessional (Option-1) |
1 |
9. |
CCE-4711 |
Satellite Communication |
3 |
10. |
CCE-4715 |
Research Methodology |
1 |
11. |
LAW-4721 |
Professional Ethics and Environmental Protection Law |
2 |
12. |
URIH-4701 |
A Survey of Islamic History and Culture |
1 |
URED-3604 |
Total credit hour for 7th Semester |
21.50 |
Eighth Semester
SL | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite Courses |
1. |
CCE-4800 |
Project / Thesis |
4 |
2. |
CCE-4801 |
Fiber Optic Communication |
3 |
CCE-1203 |
3. |
CCE-4802 |
Fiber Optic Communication Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-1204 |
4. |
CCE-4803 |
Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
5. |
CCE-4804 |
Artificial Intelligence Sessional |
1 |
6. |
CCE-4805 |
Compiler Design |
2 |
7. |
CCE-4806 |
Compiler Design Sessional |
1 |
8. |
CCE-4808 |
Software Development Sessional |
1.5 |
CCE-3609 |
9. |
CCE-4832 |
General Viva |
1 |
10. |
CCE-4834 |
Industrial Training/Tour |
1 |
11. |
CCE-48XX |
Elective Course (Option-2) |
2 |
12. |
CCE-48XX |
Elective Course Sessional (Option-2) |
1 |
13. |
CCE-48XX |
Elective Course (Option-2) |
2 |
14. |
CCE-48XX |
Elective Course Sessional (Option-2) |
1 |
15. |
URBS-4802 |
Bangladesh Studies and History of the Independence |
2 |
Total credit hour for 8th Semester |
27 |