BSS (Hons.) In Economics & Banking

BSS (Hons.) In Economics & Banking


The mission statements of this program are:

M1: Facilitating a shared learning environment that makes our students ready to be accountable and responsible leaders, entrepreneurs, managers and professionals and to practice enlightened values of citizenship

M2: Delivering a high quality, team-based undergraduate curriculum that integrates economics, finance and business disciplines in a way where social and moral commitments will be the corner stones for our students.

M3: Promoting lateral thinking and a spirit of enquiry among the students so that they look from a different angle through a creative approach by which they are able to provide simple solutions to complex economics and banking related problems.

M4: Strengthening the theoretical, practical and ethical dimensions of the learning process by fostering a culture of research and innovation among faculty members and students.

M5: Providing an in-depth knowledge to its students so that they add value to the existing treasures of banking and economics concepts.


Four year BSS (Hons) in Economics and Banking is a degree program under the Dept. of Economics & Banking. The vision of the program is to be a leader in the educational discipline of Economics and Banking through creative and hand-on learning experience that make our students ready for embracing opportunities and Challenges in a globally competitive world. We will, if Allah wills, remain caring to the diverse needs of all our stakeholders


This program works towards ensuring that all IIUC undergraduates who wish to enrich their education with Economics & Banking attain the true experience of the application of economics and banking activities. This program offers accessible, high-quality education in Economics & Banking that prepares students with intellectual and professional skills, moral and ethical principles, and a global perspective at reasonable tuition fees. In particular, it provides comprehensive, systematic and research-oriented curricula in economics and banking.

The Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

The Program Educational Objectives for Economics & Banking are as follows:

PEO-1: Read, conceive and infer economic and banking aspects through – verbal, mathematical and graphical methods

PEO-2: Articulation of critical thinking to factual knowledge and the development of effective decision making skills in the discipline

PEO-3: Increase of an understanding of economic theories and their applications to the branches of economics and banking

PEO-4: Put on theoretical and/or demonstrative methods through econometric modelling and software skills

PEO-5: Nurture global human capital, future leaders and problem-solvers to become employable and sensitized world citizens

Admission Requirements

  • Total GPA 6.00 in SSC/Dakhil & HSC/Alim but scoring not less than GPA 2.50 in any individual examination. OR
  • Minimum 5 (five) subjects in O level and 2 (two) major subjects in A level with minimum ‘B’ grade in 4 subjects and ‘C’ grade in 3 subjects.


A student shall have to pay Tk. 3,78,316/- for completing BSS in Economics & Banking degree as per the following break up:

SL Description Amount
1 Admission Fees (Once & non-refundable) Tk. 25,000/-
2 Semester Fees (Tk. 9,000 × 8) Tk. 72,000/-
3 Tuition Fees:
DC: 1,500 x 127 = 1,90,500/- ; URC: 1,100 x 13 = 14,300/-
Tk. 2,04,800/-
4 Exam Fees (Tk. 100 × 140 CH ) Tk. 14,000/-
5 Establishment Fees (Tk. 4,000 × 8) Tk. 32,000/-
6 Development Fees (Tk. 5,000 × 1 + Tk. 3,000 × 7) Tk. 26,000/-
7 Library Development Fee Tk. 2,000/-
8 Orientation Fee Tk. 3,000/-
9 Rover Scout Fee Tk. 25/-
Total Fees and Charges: Tk. 3,78,825/-

Semester-wise Payable Fess:

* First Installment (During Admission): Tk. 66,025/-

* Second to onward Installment (During Semester Registration):

SL Description Amount
1 Semester Fees Tk. 9,000/-
2 Tuition Fees:
1,500 x No. of CH of DC Courses ; 1,100 x No. of CH of URC Courses
Tk. *****/-
3 Exam Fees:
Tk. 100 × No. of CH of total registered Courses
Tk. *****/-
4 Establishment Fees Tk. 4,000/-
5 Development Fees Tk. 3,000/-
Semester-wise Total Fees and Charges: To be counted

DC = Departmental Course, URC = University Requirement Course

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) with Graduate Attributes

To accomplish the educational objectives and to fulfill accreditation criteria, the program BSS in Economics & Banking (EB) provides the knowledge, experience, and opportunities necessary for students to demonstrate their attainment of the following outcomes:

PLO-1: Analytical Skills/Problem-Solving: EB students will effectively visualize, conceptualize, articulate, and solve complex problems or address problems that do not have a clear answer, with available information, through experimentation and observation, using economic & banking theory, as well as calculus and statistical tools.

PLO-2: Critical Thinking: EB students will apply econometric analysis to everyday problems helping them to understand events, evaluate specific policy proposals, compare arguments with different conclusions to a specific issue or problem, and assess the role played by assumptions in arguments that reach different conclusions to a specific economic or policy problem.

PLO-3: Quantitative Reasoning: EB students will understand how to apply empirical evidence to economic arguments. Specifically, they may obtain and/or collect relevant data, develop empirical evidence using appropriate statistical techniques, and interpret the results of such analyses.

PLO-4: Specialized Knowledge and Practical Application: EB students will develop deeper analytical, critical, and quantitative skills in specialized areas by applying economic and banking concepts to real-world situations.

PLO-5: Interdisciplinary Knowledge, Diverse Issues, and Global Consciousness: EB students will broaden their global and disciplinary knowledge, enhancing their understanding of the world around them both within economics and beyond.

PLO-6: Communication and Leadership: EB students will build skills to work as part of a team and lead others, ensuring they are prepared to navigate diverse audiences and situations.

Admission Test

Application for admission to BSS in Economics & Banking shall be invited through an announcement in the National/Local Dailies and IIUC website twice a year. The deserving candidates have to apply through IIUC website or web link Students are admitted through a competitive written test. Usually questions paper are designed as semi broad & MCQ Type. Marks allocation of admission test are:

Higher Math/ Economics/ Accounting & Management General Math General English General Knowledge Viva SSC & HSC GPA Total
40 20 25 15 10 10 120

Admission Period

Students are admitted into “BSS in Econimics & Bankig” program twice a year as follows:

Semester Period Application Period Admission Test
Spring January – June September - October November - December
Autumn July – December March - April May - June


To complete the BSS in Econimics & Bankig program at the International Islamic University Chittagong, normally takes four academic years (i.e. 8 Semesters). Each academic year is divided into 2 Semesters (Spring Semester: February – July and Autumn Semester: August – January), each having a duration of 15 weeks (5×15=75 working days). There shall be a Mid-term Examination after conducting 6 weeks classes. 9 Weeks of classes will be conducted after Mid-term examination and after that Final Examination will take place at the end of each semester. In order to graduate, total 163 credit hours has to be undertaken and completed by a student during 8 semesters. By registering more number of courses in regular semesters, students may also complete their graduation studies within at least three academic years (i.e. 6 Semesters) of regular studentship. However a student may be allowed to complete their graduation studies in the University within maximum of six academic years (i.e.12 semesters).

Grading System

The Grading System for assessing the performance of the students shall be as follows:

Marks (%) Letter Grade Grade Point Remarks
80-100 A + 4.00 Excellent
75–79 A 3.75 Very Good
70–74 A- 3.50
65–69 B+ 3.25 Good
60–64 B 3.00
55–59 B- 2.75 Satisfactory
50–54 C+ 2.50
45–49 C 2.25 Pass
40–44 D 2.00
00–39 F 0.00 Fail

Calculation of GPA and CGPA

GPA: Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the number of credit hours attempted in a particular semester.

CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is computed by dividing the total grade point earned by the total number of credit hours attempted at the diploma courses up to that point of time.

Achieving minimum GPA in each semester

A student shall have to obtain minimum GPA 2.00 in each semester.

Achieving minimum GPA in for awarding degree

A student shall have to obtain minimum CGPA 2.50 for awarding degree.

Summary of Courses

Summary of Courses:

Course Type Details No. of Courses Total C.H
Non- Departmental Courses University Requirement Courses 9 13
Interdisciplinary Courses 6 18
Core Courses Language 2 6
Basic Science & ICT 7 21
Social Science Courses (EB) 25 78
Project / Thesis 1 3
General Viva Voce 1 1
Total 51 140

Semester wise number of courses & credits hours

Semester No. Of Courses Theoretical (C.H.) Laboratory (C.H.) Total C.H
1st 5 12 0 12
2nd 5 14 0 14
3rd 7 19 0 19
4th 8 22 0 22
5th 7 20 0 20
6th 7 19 0 19
7th 8 19 1 20
8th 5 11 3 14
Total 52 136 4 140

Semester wise Courses:

Semester Number: 1
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 UREL-1103 Advanced English 2
2 UREM-1101 Text of Ethics & Morality I 1
3 COM-1101 Computer Applications 3
4 ECON-1101 Principles of Microeconomics 3
5 MATH-1101 Fundamentals of Mathematical Economics 3
Semester Number: 2
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 STAT-1201 Elementary Statistics 3
2 URED-1201 Basic Principles of Islam (‘Aqidah+‘Ibadah) 2
3 BNKG-1201 Elementary Banking and Finance 3
4 ECON-1201 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 ECON-1101
5 MGT-1201 Principles of Management 3
Semester Number: 3
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 URED-2302 Sciences of Qur’an and Hadith 1
2 URED-2305 Comparative Religion 3
3 ACC-2301 Principles of Accounting 3
4 BNKG-2302 Commercial Banking 3
5 ECON-2302 Intermediate Microeconomics 3 ECON-1101
6 GEHE-2301 History of Emergence of Bangladesh 3
7 LAW-2301 Business Law 3
8 MATH-2302 Mathematical Economics 3 MATH-1101
Semester Number: 4
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 MKTG-2401 Marketing Management 3
2 STAT-2402 Statistical Analysis 3 STAT-1201
3 UREM-2402 Text of Ethics & Morality II 1 UREM-1101
4 BDEC-2401 Bangladesh Economy 3
5 BNKG-2403 Central Banking 3
6 ECON-2401 Agricultural Economics 3
7 ECON-2402 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3 ECON-1201
8 GEBL-2401 Bangla Language and Literature 3
Semester Number: 5
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 STAT-3503 Statistics for Economists 3 STAT-2402
2 URED-3503 Political Thoughts & Social Behavior 2
3 ACC-3502 Taxation and Zakat 3 ACC-2301
4 ECON-3501 Islamic Economics 3
5 ECON-3502 Public Finance 3
6 ECON-3503 Resource and Environmental Economics 3
7 MATH-3503 Mathematics for Economists 3
Semester Number: 6
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 URED-3604 Life & Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1
2 BNKG-3604 International Finance and Banking 3
3 BNKG-3605 Bank Fund Management 3
4 ECON-3601 Basic Econometrics 3
5 ECON-3602 Economic Growth and Development 3
6 ECON-3603 International Economics 3
7 FIN-3601 Project Management 3
Semester Number: 7
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 RES-4701 Research Methodology 3
2 URIH-4701 A survey of Islamic History and Culture 1
3 BNKG-4706 Credit Management 3
4 BNKG-4707 Financial Investment and Security Analysis 3
5 ECON-4700 Viva 1
6 ECON-4701 Industrial Economics 3
7 ECON-4703 Applied Microeconomics 3
8 FIN-4702 Islamic Financial System 3
Semester Number: 8
SL Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 THES-4802 Thesis 3
2 URBS-4802 Bangladesh Studies and History of the Independence 2
3 BKNG-4807 Applied Macroeconomics 3
4 ECON-4802 Econometric Methods and Applications 3
5 ECON-4810 Islamic Banking and Takaful 3
6 INTP-4801 Internship 3